Diana McDonald |
Senior Services Director |
Advisory Board Members
Donna Chmelka PO Box 133 Bruno, NE 68014 |
Jeanne Zegers 323 Fremont St Octavia, NE 68632 |
Dorothy Schultz Vice Chairman 912 Bicentennial Cir. David City, NE 68632 402-367-4731 |
Greg Janak 123 Cecelia St Brainard, NE 68626 |
Virgene Otte 1446 Fox Haven Dr. David City, NE 68632 402-367-4763 |
Congregate Meals
A noon meal is available for a suggested donation for individuals 60 years of age or older. Call 402-367-6131 one day in advance or by 9 am the day of to make a reservation. Meals are also available for those under 60 years of age for a fee.
There are individual, extenuating circumstances that may qualify someone to receive a noon meal for a suggested donation. Please call and visit with the Butler County Program Manager for details.
A suggested donation of $4.00 for individuals 60 years of age or older and a $5.00 fee for those under age 60 for the daily meal. Call for details.
Home Delivered Meals
These meals are available in David City. Each meal is one-third of the recommended daily nutritional needs for an individual. The meals are delivered by volunteers dedicated to helping others. Modified diets are also available with doctor's orders. Call for complete information or one day in advance to order a meal.
A suggested donation of $4.25 for individuals 60 years of age or older and a $5.25 fee for those under age 60 for a Home Delivered meal. Call for details.
To Go Meals
These meals are available to be picked up by an individual. Each meal is the same as what is being served in house minus salad bar items. To reserve a to go meal, please call by 9:00am the day you would like to pick up a meal. Cost of the meals for those 60 and over is $4.25 and those under 60 the cost is $5.25. Call for complete information
Health & Fitness
Foot care clinics, and hearing aid services are offered at various times during the month. Special presentations and programs, many focusing on health education, are offered periodically throughout the year.
Tai Chi classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
- What: Tai Chi is a graceful form of exerre ise th at i nvo Ives a series of movements, kn own as forms th at a re performed in a slow, focused manner combined with controlled breathing. It is a low impact exercise that puts minimal stress on muscles and joints-making it suitable for many older adults. It doesn't require special equipment and can be practiced indoors or outdoors, either alone or in a group.
- Who: People who are 60 years of age or older.
- Why: Each year, about one third of adults aged 65 years of age and older fall, and 20 to 30 percent of those who fall suffer moderate to severe injuries, such as bruises, hip fractures, and head traumas. Falls a re the le ad i ng ca use of in jury deaths and the most common ca use of non fatal injuries among this population. By taking a Tai Chi class you improve your strength and balance, and helps prevent falls. Research has shown that practicing Tai Chi, a balance-prompting exercise, is a very effective way for older adults to reduce the risk of falling and to maintain their independence.
We have many activities for people to participate in such as puzzles and cards. We have bingo following lunch on Tuesday.
Transit Van
Public transportation for all ages is provided by the Butler County Transit Van. Service can be one way or round trip. We do have special rate days for Omaha, Lincoln and Columbus. For complete details, cost and scheduling call 402-367-6131.
Busy Wheels
Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.; Phone: 402-367-6131 This is a curb to curb service in David City. Volunteers drive the van and this is only for those that are not in a wheel chair. If wheel chair assistance is needed please make advanced arrangements as we would need to use a different van. Call for more information or to schedule transportation. Advanced arrangements are necessary and those that have made those advanced arrangements will be served first.
Staff Counselor
An Aging Partners counselor is located at 370 N. Fifth St., David City. Call 402-367-4537 for advice and information on how to remain independent and in your own home.
Butler County Senior Services
Butler County Senior Services is dedicated to helping individuals age 60 and older live independently and remain an active and vital part of the community. We provide information on the network of services available to older adults and assist individuals and their families in accessing these services.
Butler County Senior Services is jointly sponsored by County, State and Federal funds made available through the Butler County Board of Supervisors and Aging Partners. Contributions for services and donations also help to support the program.
All activities and services of the Butler County Senior Services Program are provided without regard to race, color, creed, national origin or disability.